Permanent Residence in America (Green Card)


The Permanent Residence Program in America (Green Card) through the EB-5 investment program

The EB-5 investment program targets individuals who wish to obtain permanent residence in America (Green Card), by investing in existing investment projects that take place through the regional center within the various American economic sectors.

Investment concessions

Besides America speaks for itself and markets itself with its global standing and economic power, investing in America attracts many investors, especially through the EB-5 investment program! This is due to the following privileges:

 General privileges

  • Investing through the EB-5 program does not include complex requirements but is one of the easiest programs in the procedures for obtaining a permanent residence visa in America (Green Card).
  • Investing in America through the EB-5 program opens the investor with unlimited multiple investment opportunities in one of the largest economic markets around the world.
  • Investment projects in the United States that are approved by the regional center are among the largest existing projects around the world.

 Privileges for the investor and his family

  • The investor has the right to place family members on demand (husband / wife / children under the age of 21).
  • The EB-5 program gives the investor the opportunity to apply for American citizenship after obtaining a permanent residence visa for himself and his family.
  • Freedom to choose the investor for the American state in which he wishes to reside with his family without being obligated to reside in the same state in which he invested.
  • The investor and his family obtain work rights in the United States.
  • One of the most important advantages of the EB-5 investment program to the investor is that he does not have to fulfill the following conditions:
  • There is no minimum or maximum age for the investor
  • No work experience required
  • You do not have to be fluent in English
  • No minimum educational level (certificates) is required

Requirements and conditions for investing in a residency program through investing in America (Green Card EB-5)

Investment requirements

  • Complete the basic investment process and transfer an investment amount of no less than $ 900,000 to the Escrow Account.
  • Proof of the source of the funds used in the chosen investment (proof only of the source of the funds and not the total net assets).
  • That the investor provide 10 permanent jobs with full working hours within his investment project, these jobs are previously created by the regional center, and immediately after the investor actually invests 10 of them are registered in his name by the regional center.

The requirements of the investor and the family

  • The investor has not been staying in America illegally for 6 months or more.
  • Have a clean criminal record.
  • Ensure that the children to be enrolled in the application are under the age of 21.
  • All children who will be attached to the application have not been married before.

The costs required to obtain residency in America (Green Card) through the EB-5 investment program

  • Project cost: not less than 900,000 USD
* Other fees are added. All fees are subject to change without prior notice.

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